Who are we?
We are the “Public one-point-entry” to the region of North Denmark for international citizens, companies with international employees, and companies that are interested in broadening their overseas markets.
Through our concept we provide companies and international residents with help in three main service areas: job seeking, business startup, and culture & leisure.
Established in 2015 and currently funded by several public organisations International House North Denmark strives to help attract and retain a qualified international workforce to the North Denmark region. We work to achieve this goal by offering assistance in several forms to the following target groups: the large pool of international talent attending or newly graduated from educational institutions in the region (Aalborg University, University College Northern Denmark, etc.), citizens of other countries who work for companies and institutions in North Denmark, the accompanying spouses of those workers, and all other international residents of North Denmark who are seeking work in the region.
If you wish to know more about our Advisory Board & Steering Committee, simply click the two buttons below.
Current Projects
If you are interested to learn about our current projects, click the link below
Luisa Geitmann-Mügge
Project coordinator
E-mail | luisa.geitmann-mugge@aalborg.dk
Phone | +45 2149 8924
Please feel free to contact us either by email, phone, or by visiting us at the International House in the centre of Aalborg.
We are here to give you personal guidance whether you are a company, citizen, or thinking about moving to Denmark.
Below you find our contact informations.
Address: Rantzausgade 4, 9000 Aalborg
Phone number: +45 99311530
E-mail: info@ihnd.dk
Use can also the form below to contact us.